Welcome to Taj Kitchen

Order food online in Galston! It's so easy to use, fast and convenient. Try our new, online website which contains our entire takeaway menu. Taj Kitchen is located in Galston, East Ayrshire.

You can now order online, all your favourite dishes and many more delicious options, and have them delivered straight to your door in no time at all.

Our Specials


Very enjoyable food

Craig, 2024-03-30 18:06:41

5 star

Andrew, 2024-03-30 17:46:24

Paid for extra cheese on chips but cheese has vanished. Not a cheddar to be found. Robbing *******

Colin, 2024-03-22 19:28:02

I ordered two mild curries but both were so hot that we couldn’t eat them. A waste of money. Plus we had to wait over an hour for delivery. Very disappointing.

Pam, 2024-03-14 19:44:29

Ordered chips and korma. Received chips cheese and korma. Lucky i spotted it before my child got it with him being allergic to cheese. Need to read orders 1st. Lucky im understanding.

Colin, 2024-03-01 18:07:32


Scott, 2024-02-04 23:54:19